Hanoi, 25 January 2021 – The Australian government is providing AUD 1 million for humanitarian response to people suffering from the impacts of the severe flooding in Thừa Thiên Huế, Quảng Trị, and Quảng Nam provinces. The grant will be managed by the consortium of World Vision, ADRA and CARE, which are members of Australian Humanitarian Partnership. The consortium will work closely with the district level government authorities in improving access to safe water, promoting hygiene and sanitation, ensuring protection for beneficiaries and relief workers, and facilitating livelihood recovery to over 25,000 people.

This joint response is implemented for six months from December 2020 to May 2021 where most affected households will be assisted through an integrated package of interventions, including household kits, WASH kits, in-kind and cash transfer, and protection support. Our proposed actions aim to provide assistance to those in the most urgent needs, in support of the local government response and in line with the Government request for relief assistance. The response plan was based on the results of the joint Damage and Needs Assessment conducted between the government and
humanitarian organizations, as well as national and sub-national government agencies.

Read the full press release here.