Hanoi, 28 February 2019 – Women play an increasingly important role in the Vietnamese economy. Yet, barriers in awareness and policies remain, creating tremendous obstacles to women’s advancement in their work and private life. In particular, gender inequality in the world of work as not been fully recognised. As a result, where gender inequality occurs, both employees and employers suffer from reduced productivity with extra psychological haunting on the employees.

To improve the understanding and attract the attention of the public, especially of the labour force, about this important issue, CARE International in Vietnam, the Centre for Assistance and Development of Movie Talents (TPD), and Tuva Communications jointly launch a filmmaking contest. The contest is themed #8hoursoffulfillment to reflect our hope that every employee has 8 hours to do their job in a safe and equal environment. With funding from Investing in Women, an initiative of the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, CARE will award the total prize value up to 150 million VND:

  • 01 Award for the Best Documentary Film: 50 million VND
  • 01 Award for the Best Drama: 50 million VND
  • 01 Award for the Film with the Most Excellent Messages: 30 million VND
  • 01 Viewer’s Choice Award: 20 million VND

Four eligible topic groups to be conveyed in the entries are:

  • Prejudices about the role of women-men in child care: In traditional social stereotypes, family planning, housework and caring for children are supposed to be women’s work. The current Labour Code inadvertently deepens this stereotype when allowing female employees to take paid leave when they have to go through contraception treatment, take care of their sick child or adopt a child without creating the same conditions for male employees.
  • Prejudices about the working time of both men and women: While both men and women finish their study and start their career at about the same age, they are expected to retire at different ages according to current legal regulations, with women employees retiring 5 years earlier than their male peers. This shortens women’s working time and limits their chances of promotion and higher income. In addition, many women wish to continue working even after entering the statutory retirement age while many others may want to retire sooner. Current rigid regulations limit the freedom of choice and partly reinforce the stereotype of considering women’s dedication to work lower than men’s.
  • Sexual harassment: In the world of work, many people are not fully aware of the sexual harassment acts and their consequences. Many offensive and harassing behaviours are still considered ‘normal’. In fact, sexual harassment causes serious mental health consequences and harms the performance of the harassed employee, and affects negatively businesses in terms of productivity.
  • Equal pay: Research has shown that in Vietnam, women are paid less than men despite doing the work of the same value. The average wage of male workers is 5,715,000 VND and of female workers is 5,225,000 VND (in the formal economic sector). This means that compared to men, every year, women works for free for a month. When women are paid equally with men, it will bring more benefits to tax and consumption for Vietnam. (Figures from the survey of the 2017 labour force of the General Statistics Office of Vietnam).

Filmmakers can submit their work from 15 March to 10 April, 2019. Information about the Terms and Conditions, milestones, idea workshops, etc. will be updated on: https://www.facebook.com/8tiengtronven/

This film competition is funded by Investing in Women Initiative of the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in a project to raise awareness about gender equality in the world of work in general and to promote gender equality provisions in the upcoming revised Labour Code in particular. It is co-implemented by CARE International in Vietnam, Oxfam in Vietnam, Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI), and the Institute for Social, Economic and Environmental Research (iSEE).

To learn more information about the competition, follow us at:


or contact us at:

Vu Thi Huong Giang

Communication Specialist

CARE International in Vietnam

vuthihuong.giang@care.org.vn; +84-902141200

About CARE International in Vietnam

CARE is an international development and humanitarian organisation leading in the fight against poverty and social injustice. In Vietnam, CARE focuses on supporting vulnerable populations, especially women, through addressing the root causes of poverty and social injustice. CARE has extensive partnerships with communities, local authorities and national government, Vietnamese and international companies and organisations. CARE continues to deliver humanitarian and emergency assistance in times of natural disasters. Since 1989, CARE has worked in almost all of Vietnam’s 64 provinces and cities, providing more than 300 development projects.

Website: www.care.org.vn

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CAREinVietnam/