AWEEV – Advancing Women’s Economic Empowerment in Vietnam is a gender-responsive and integrated project designed to contribute to the increase in the economic well-being of ethnic minority women in Vietnam.


The Advancing Women Economic Empowerment in Vietnam (AWEEV) is a gender-responsive and integrated project designed to contribute to the increase in the economic well-being of ethnic minority (EM) women in Vietnam. It is assumed that if increased economic well-being and quality of life are achieved, this would also contribute to reducing poverty among EM women and their households. The project would target 2,635 EM women and men in nine communes of two districts across two provinces: Ha Giang and Lai Chau province.

AWEEV has been designed in full alignment with Global Affairs Canada’s (GAC) Feminist International Assistance Policy (FIAP). The design is underpinned by a rights-based approach to addressing gender inequalities with some of the poorest and most marginalized women in Vietnam. In relation to government strategies and plans, AWEEV would directly support the National Target Program on Socio-economic Development in Mountainous and EM Areas for 2021-2030 (resolution No 88/2019/ QH14) which focuses on assisting livelihoods and improving the living conditions of EM groups in the 1,400 poorest communes in nationwide. AWEEV would also directly contribute to the implementation of the National Gender Equality Strategy 2021-2030.

The main issues that the project is seeking to address are language and education, access to basic infrastructure, mobility, livelihoods, caregiving burden, household decision-making, financial services, women’s group membership, and gender-based violence.

AWEEV adopts a unique partnership modality including CARE, CSO, and local government partners while also working closely with the private sector. This cross-sector collaboration draws on the competitive advantages of each partner to pursue a shared goal of improving the economic well-being of EM women.

Objective of AWEEV

  • Increase participation, particularly by poor rural and ethnic minority women in paid economic activities
  • Enhance the promotion of economic rights, particularly for poor rural and ethnic minority women in Vietnam

How does AWEEV work?

  • Enhance the capacity of CSOs, including women’s rights organizations, private sector companies, and media organizations, to promote poor rural and ethnic minority women’s economic rights in Vietnam
  • Increase the ability of ethnic minority women to meaningfully participate and make decisions related to economic activities at the household level and in their livelihoods
  • Promote the willingness of poor rural and ethnic minority women and men, duty bearers, in particular commune officers, to address the issue of women’s unequal caregiving burden, and economic rights in Vietnam
  • Increase the gender-responsive capacity of poor, rural, and ethnic minorities, particularly women, to earn income from climate-smart and sustainable on-farm and off-farm livelihoods in Vietnam
  • Poor, rural, and ethnic minorities, particularly women, can save and borrow money to support productive economic activities in Vietnam
  • Build entrepreneurship capacity of women-led grassroots social enterprises (GSE) to pursue economic opportunities in Vietnam Increase participation, particularly by poor rural and ethnic minority women in paid economic activities

Participants of AWEEV

ethnic minorities women & men


  • Tien Nguyen, Xuan Minh, Yen Thanh, Tan Bac, Yen Binh, Tan Trinh commune, Quang Binh district, Ha Giang province\
  • Ban Bo, Binh Lu, Then Sin commune, Tam Duong district, Lai Chau province


2021 -2025


Nâng quyền kinh tế - Bộ các vấn đề toàn cầu Canada - GAC