CARE International in Vietnam (CVN) is implementing the Project for Advancing Women’s Economic Empowerment in Vietnam (AWEEV). The project would target 2,635 ethnic minority (EM) women and men in eight communes across two provinces, namely Tien Nguyen, Xuan Minh, Yen Thanh, Tan Bac, Yen Binh, and Tan Trinh communes in Quang Binh district, Ha Giang province, and Ban Bo and Son Binh communes in Tam Duong district, Lau Chau province. This project promotes the economic rights of ethnic minority women and strengthens their participation in paid work through its outcomes, including (i) Enhanced promotion of economic rights for poor rural and ethnic minority women in Vietnam; (ii) Enhanced voice, leadership and participation of ethnic minority women in decisions related to productive economic activities at the household level; Improved capacity of poor ethnic minorities, especially women, to participate in income-generating activities from agricultural and non-agricultural livelihoods; and (iii) Enhanced ability of the poor, especially women, to save and borrow capital to support economic empowerment; and women’s enhanced participation in entrepreneurship and start-up to benefit from the opportunities brought by economic growth.

An important objective of this Project is contributing to the reduction in women’s burden of unpaid care work (UCW). To fulfill this objective, the Project firstly implements several research activities to understand UCW, and the impacts of the UCW burden on women in terms of access to infrastructure, use of public services, and engagement in paid work. The research findings will determine the future expenditure lines for AWEEV Project interventions in the Project locations. At the same time, the research findings and recommendations will also be widely shared to promote policy advocacy at all levels.


The Gender Responsiveness of Infrastructure and the Relationship with Women’s Unpaid Care Work: A Perspective from the North-West of Vietnam