Hanoi, 15th Sep 2021, about 80 delegates representing development partners (WB, ADB, UN Women, Unicef, Canadian Embassy in Vietnam, DFAT, Irish Aid, KOICA…) and non-governmental organizations (DWC, CISDOMA, CSDM, Action on Poverty, iSee, Pioneer Network ….) participated in an online conference to comment on the draft decree regulating the management mechanism and  implementation of Vietnam National Target Programs.

The delegates highly appreciated the breakthrough innovations of the draft Decree, especially issues related to policy integration, narrowing the focal point for directing national target programs; clearer regulations on medium-term planning associated with socio-economic planning and strong promotion of decentralization and empowerment mechanism at the locality, especially at the grassroots level. The newly added content of the draft Decree focuses on promoting the production – which lays the foundation for a unified organization and implementation of projects supporting production in the NTPs.

Many specific comments were made by delegates with the hope that the provisions of the draft Decree would be consistent with reality and facilitate the implementation of the mentioned innovation points. Discussions revolved around clarifying the mechanism for promoting substantive community participation in capital management, usage and monitoring and more specific regulations on gender mainstreaming in the draft Decree. Besides, a mechanism to mobilise capital and resources (loans, grants…) and support entrepries and cooperative should be defined clearly. After the meeting, the partners will combine the inputs and share with GREAT and CARE to summarize and send to the standing board to draft the Decree.

The activity is jointly organized by GREAT Program, CARE International and RIC Center, within the framework of the PEGG project to support the Ministry of Planning and Investment – MPI to develop a decree on the Mechanism for the Implementation of NTPs for the 2021-2025 period, funded by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and the Irish Embassy in Vietnam.