This report is part of Goodvertisings, a campaign promoting gender sensitivity in advertising content. Our purpose, in line with that of high-profile initiatives such as UN Women’s Unstereotype Alliance, Kantar’s Getting Gender Right, and Think with Google’s Diversity and Inclusivity Report, is to call on advertisers to portray people of all genders as multi-dimensional and empowered in the complex realities of their lives.

Goodvertisings’ review of Tet 2022 advertisements has indicated positive shifts in gender portrayals in advertising. To some extent, people of different genders have been portrayed in more multidimensional manners. Progressive portrayals of men and women in non-stereotypical gender roles have started to be more visible and normalized.

At the same time, the review recognized that there is room for improvement in terms of challenging gender biases that default women to caregiving and men to breadwinning. As gender roles continue to evolve, i.e. more women are thriving in the economy and dads’ roles are shifting at home, the ads have not caught up to the same extent.

With a view to further recognizing good practices in portrayals of men’s caregiving and providing recommendations on what remains to be stereotypical, this report provides a snapshot of how men’s caregiving has been portrayed in top 60 TVCs in Vietnam in 2022.

Goodvertisings – Men’s Caregiving in Ads Report