Journalists interested in the round table discussion about gender in development in Hanoi on 23rd July 2018 should contact the Institute for Research on Development Communication at no later than 17h00 20th July 2018.

With funding from the Irish Aid, CARE International in Vietnam, a leading humanitarian and development organisation fighting poverty and enhancing gender equality in Vietnam, will increase its support for Vietnamese journalists to enhance their knowledge on gender.

Specifically, CARE will sponsor cash prizes for winners of the first Journalism for Sustainable Development Award launched by the Institute for Research on Development Communication (RED). The award is co-organised by RED, the Global Affairs Canada and Sustainable Development Office under the Ministry of Planning and Investment.

In addition, CARE gender specialists will help Vietnamese journalists to better understand how gender inequality is harming Vietnam’s sustainable development and the multi-faces of gender inequality that is persistent in various aspects, from home caring to access to information and economic resources such as land and forest land.

Journalists interested in this round table discussion, which is to be held in Hanoi on 23rd July 2018, should contact the Institute for Research on Development Communication at no later than 17h00 20th July 2018.

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