our history

Mr. I.R. Constad, Assistant of CARE’s Mission for England and Wales with Mrs. Killagllon and family. Left to right, 7-year-old Gerald, 12-year-old June, 14-year-old George, 14-month-old Brian, Mrs. Killagllon, 3-year-old Michael, and 4-year-old David.

Founded in 1945, CARE is a leading humanitarian organization fighting global poverty and providing lifesaving assistance in emergencies. In 100 countries around the world, CARE places special focus on working alongside poor girls and women because, equipped with the proper resources, they have the power to help lift whole families and entire communities out of poverty.

To learn more, visit www.care-international.org.

To find out more about our history, click here.

CARE memorial erected on the southern end of the Voxa-Trucly dyke system Vietnam. Vice chairman Ho Khac Hong pointing.

CARE International worked in Vietnam from 1954 to 1975 to address immediate needs, by supporting local food supply, health care and education.

CARE returned to Vietnam in 1989 and has since worked in almost all of Vietnam’s 63 provinces and cities, providing more than 300 development projects. CARE International in Vietnam’s projects have supported agricultural and rural development, livelihood enhancement, community-based health care, reproductive health, HIV/AIDS prevention, disaster risk reduction, climate change response, emergency relief and rehabilitation, water and sanitation infrastructure, and the advancement of gender equality.

Today, CARE International in Vietnam continues to deliver humanitarian and emergency assistance in times of crisis, but primarily focuses on ensuring long-term positive change for marginalised groups, especially ethnic minority women in mountainous areas and vulnerable women in urban areas, by tackling the underlying causes of poverty, vulnerability, and social injustice. Please visit our online exhibition 3 Decades in 1 Frame to learn more about what we have done in the past three decades.