Our partners

Private sector

We believe that CARE International and businesses around the world share several common objectives and that the private sector is the engine needed to sustain and complement activities in development to drive economic growth, generate employment opportunities and drive innovation.

We therefore work to challenge market systems to be more inclusive so as to create real opportunities for poor people. We proactively engage the private sector to improve policies and practices and to come up with innovative solutions that provide practical means to address the needs of the poor.

Partnering with CARE International in Vietnam means companies are investing in the greatest source of untapped human potential in the world: women and girls. Because poverty disproportionately impacts women and girls, CARE is particularly focused on including women in our programs. We know that supporting women and girls, ensuring their voices are heard and helping to remove barriers that hold them back, is the best way to bring lasting change to poor communities.

We believe that constructive, collaborative and innovative private-sector engagement maximises impact, influence and investment for the benefit of the communities we work with.

We will work with companies to identify unique opportunities to connect with CARE’s mission and work while supporting the companies’ corporate social responsibility and sustainability strategy.

  • Connect with communities  Engage potential producers and consumers and improve supply chain responsibility.

  • Engage employees  Build loyalty and enthusiasm with internal campaigns, events, expertise sharing and staff engagement.

  • Build global citizenship  Develop powerful and compelling programs, cross-promotion activities and cause-related marketing tools.