U-ME Capital – To be a domestic worker – Photobook

U-ME Capital - Domestic workers at Jupviec.vn

This photobook is a series of stories told by a number of domestic workers at JupViec.vn.

We hope the photobook will give you a genuine glimpse into the lives and experiences of the women who are driving change at the intersection of the care economy and the platform economy.

The “To be a domestic worker” photobook is a product of the Urban Migrant Entrepreneur Capital initiative (U-ME Capital) aimed at enhancing the well-being of domestic workers in urban areas through access to income opportunities and financial services.

U-ME Capital is co-implemented by CARE International in Vietnam, JupViec.vn and LienVietPostBank through the Business Partnerships Platform, a programme by the Australian Government.


U-ME Capital – To be a domestic worker – Photobook



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