Engaging men and boys in gender equality

Gender equality is essential if we are to achieve sustainable poverty reduction and social justice. CARE particularly focuses on strengthening the voice of women and girls and enabling them to effectively participate in and influence the decisions that affect their lives. However, if gender equality is to be genuine and sustainable, it is not enough to focus solely on women and girls. We therefore engage with men and boys to transform unequal power relations, including ending gender-based violence.

Measuring our impact

The impact of CARE International in Vietnam’s programmes and approaches is rigorously monitored and evaluated in constant pursuit of more effective and efficient outcomes. Together with our partners, we use the evidence, learning and innovation from both our humanitarian action and long-term development programmes to influence broader social change. We promote evidence-based advocacy and document successful local models that can be applied in other areas and by other partners.

Developing partnerships

We recognise that our work alone will not achieve our impact goals. We work with a range of actors, from civil society, government and the private sector, which each has a critical and complementary role to play in finding long-term solutions to poverty, social injustice, and gender inequality in Vietnam. CARE focuses on bringing together partners engaged in similar initiatives, working together to develop a responsive policy environment, and strengthening the capacity of partners to achieve our mutual goals.

Advocating for change

Using evidence-based research, CARE works to strengthen the effectiveness of national policies and programme implementation. We promote open dialogues by working with a broad range of partners, including government agencies at all levels, non-governmental organisations, and institutional and private sector donors. CARE supports community-based organisations to make their voices heard by the relevant authorities, to improve their position in society, and to increase their engagement in policy making and programme implementation.


CARE International in Vietnam works to support remote ethnic minority women in rural areas and socially marginalised women in urban settings to:

  • Have a legitimate and respected voice and be fairly represented in society.
  • Benefit equitably from sustainable development.
  • Have improved resilience to change and crises.

In addition, we continue our core mandate to work with the disaster affected communities in Vietnam to reduce long-term vulnerability to disaster and to assist in times of crisis in a manner which promotes sustainable improvements in livelihoods and security.

Rural Program

Learn more on what CARE is doing with women of many minority ethnicities in Vietnam in remote rural areas, where pockets of entrenched poverty persist.

Urban Program

Find out how CARE supports a number of urban groups across Vietnam, who are structurally and socially excluded from the benefits of change and development.


Explore how CARE provides emergency and recovery support to meet the immediate needs of those affected by natural disasters.